
17英寸Macbook即将到来 Mac Mini抛弃intel芯片组

   时间:2009-01-06 00:48:07 来源:cnBeat编辑:星辉 发表评论无障碍通道

据最新的消息来源证实,Apple将对它的桌面和笔记本产品线进行升级。新的产品将包括一款17英寸的Macbook Pro,它将采用与MacBook Air相似铝质一体化设计,另外它采用锌银设计的电池无法进行更换。

A new MacBook Pro, a 17" aluminum unibody design is reportedly coming soon from Apple, possibly to be announced at MacWorld. The new laptop's battery is rumored to be harder to replace, like the MacBook Air.  (Source: 9 to 5 Mac)

另外一个消息是新版的Mac mini将抛弃intel的芯片组转向NVIDIA。后者将为Mac mini提供Mini DisplayPort和Mini DVI接口,FireWire 800接口,以及5个USB接口。因此用户可以选择使用Apple的显示器或者第三方显示器。

Reports indicate the Mac mini will do away with its Intel chipset, shown here, and adopt an NVIDIA chipset, another blow to Intel and Apple's relationship.  (Source: Engadget)

访问:Reports: Jumbo 17" MacBook Coming, Mac Mini to Ditch Intel Graphics

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