微软周一公布了Windows Mobile系统中的手机同步服务My Phone.这一名称非常类似苹果的iPhone,有人猜测微软希望从苹果的品牌中获益。不过,微软移动业务主管Andy Lees表示,这一相似性并不是微软有意为之。他指出,My Phone只是一项功能,而不是一个品牌,微软内部也没有讨论过这一问题。微软的品牌是Windows Phone,而使用My Phone的名称只是因为该服务可以帮助用户通过互联网查看自己的手机。以下是采访原文
Q: My Phone does rhyme with iPhone. Were you wary of doing that, or was that part of your plot?
Lees: No, no. My Phone is a feature. It's not even a brand, it's a feature. I didn't even notice it before you said it.
Q: You didn't notice the rhyme? (Laughing.) Oh, come on. You guys didn't have deep internal discussions about the fact that it rhymed with the main product of one of your main competitors?
Lees: No.
Q: You're being serious?
Lees: It's not a brand. The brand is the Windows Phone. It has a feature on it that is My Phone. And the reason for that is that you'll go onto the Web and you'll see your phone. The other thing about that is that we want to make sure it's your stuff, and so my stuff on My Phone for my life. That's why.
Q: Well, now that I've brought it to your attention, are you having any second thoughts?
Lees: (Laughing.) No.