美国华盛顿大学研究人员现在研发了一种特殊的移动医疗成像仪,细心的读者在看到它的外形后就会立刻识出它的庐山真面目,这台成像仪就是一台使用Windows Mobile操作系统的智能手机。
Researcher William D. Richard (left) takes an ultrasound probe of his colleague David Zar's carotid artery. The pair designed the probe, which w
orks on Windowssmart phones over USB. (Source: Washington University)
The program on the phone is capable of creating medical quality images and resolving detail as fine as individual arteries. And best of all, the cost is under $2,000. (Source: Washington University)
From the size of a cabinet, the electronics for the scanner were shrunk over the years to a 1x3 inch circuit board which uses only the power provided by a USB connector. (Source: Washington University)